We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.
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we do not user third party cookies, all the cookies in the site server the purpose of service functionality, so if you reject, you will accept the essensial cookies and you would do the same by clicking on the accept button
Cookies are small text files placed on your device that we use to improve your experience on our website and to show you relevant advertisements.
You can change your preferences at any time.. Your choice will be kept for 12 months.
Essential Cookies
These cookies are strictly necessary to provide the service you have expressly requested or are for the sole purpose of enabling or facilitating communication via electronic networks.
For example, they allow us to remember the items you have placed in your shopping cart.
These cookies are automatically activated and cannot be deactivated because they are essential to allow you to browse our website.
Analytical/performance cookies
These cookies allow us to understand how you access the site and your browsing habits (e.g. pages visited, time spent on a page, content clicked). They allow us to analyze the performance and design of our website and detect possible errors.
Using these performance indicators, we are constantly improving our website and our products, content, and offerings.
Functionality and profiling cookies
These cookies allow us to offer you personalized content based on your profile, interests, and usage.
For example, AB test cookies allow us to test different versions of a page/service in order to statistically identify visitor preferences.
By accepting these cookies, you help us improve the configuration and features of our website.
Advertising and Targeting Cookies
Questi cookie raccolgono informazioni sulle tue abitudini di navigazione.
Ricordano che hai visitato il nostro sito web e condividono queste informazioni con i partner, come gli inserzionisti, al fine di una pubblicità mirata.
L'uso di questi cookie include la visualizzazione di annunci pubblicitari, l'impression capping, la prevenzione delle frodi, la fatturazione e la misurazione.